Treat Tuesday-One Bowl Fudge Cookies

That’s right, one bowl.  To be precise, it’s actually one saucepan.  You can whip these bad boys up on the stove and get away with only have to wash one pan and the cookie scoop. Basically you toss the ingredients into the pan, turn on 

Treat Tuesday-Applesauce Cake

I’m craving fall flavors, even though fall seems elusive right now.  This cake just what I needed.  I call it the Applesauce Cake because when the apples cook into the cake that is exactly what it tastes like on the top layer. I used Granny 

Treat Tuesday-Chip Cookies

I played a game with my family over this recipe.  Guess the secret ingredient.  They couldn’t identify what I had added to the dough and some of the guesses were most random. The secret, potato chips!  Crushed up Lay’s to be exact.  We had an 

Treat Tuesday-Mom’s Snickerdoodles

Such a classic cookie.  Totally reminds me of my childhood.  This recipe does not have brown sugar, or vanilla, or spices mixed in the dough.  It is simply a wonderfully buttery dough rolled in cinnamon sugar. Your electric mixer pretty much does all the work