Treat Tuesday-Cast-Iron Cookie

Treat Tuesday-Cast-Iron Cookie

Here is a quick way to make chocolate chip cookies.  It’s like the cookie cake you get from the mall, but so so much better!! You spread the dough using half a bag of chocolate chips into the pan. Then sprinkle the remaining chocolate chips 

Treat Tuesday-Chocolate Buttermilk Pudding

Treat Tuesday is back!  Not that I didn’t bake up a storm in December but I wasn’t organized to post all the Christmas goodies.  So Happy New Year with a nice, rich pudding.  I know.  New Year’s Resolutions probably don’t include pudding.  But it’s the 

Treat Tuesday-Checkboard Spice Cake

So you might be thinking of hitting the liquor cabinet as you watch the election results, or perhaps you are a house divided and you are wondering how to navigate the evening.  Never fear, this cake with a mug of tea, is just the answer 

Treat Tuesday-Pumpkin Empanadas

Empanada means stuffed, baked pastry.  Think of these are your very own personal pumpkin pie.  These are not that complicated to make, easier than a pie crust and they are fantastic with a little whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top. First the dough.