Wine of the Week-Bull By The Horns

Wine of the Week-Bull By The Horns

This Cabernet Sauvignon is so good! The label caught my eye once again, and when you check out the website, this bottle is listed under “Hard Working Wines”. Perfect glass for the end of a hard working day! Bull By The Horns is not hard 

Wine of the Week- Big Red Monster

Wine of the Week- Big Red Monster

Once again, the label on this bottle drew me in, I am a total sucker for a fun wine label, even the cork has a dragon head imprinted on it! The Big Red Monster Cabernet Sauvignon is a great, dark, juicy, jammy red wine! It 

Wine of the Week-Rabble Cabernet

Wine of the Week-Rabble Cabernet

Rabble is a great Cabernet we opened the other night to have with some grilled steaks. This 2018 bottle was delicious with a great berry flavor followed by some smokiness. Rabble is from Paso Robles, California (I seem to be gravitating towards reds from this 

Wine of the Week-Ride Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine of the Week-Ride Cabernet Sauvignon

This label! Yep, another cowboy that caught my eye. Ride is a full bodied red that is very drinkable for pizza night. This 2020 bottle from Ride & Ridden Wines out of Oakville, California was a new red at my local wine spot. There is