Treat Tuesday-Cinnamon Ginger Cookies

With all the food overflowing the counters for Thanksgiving, it can be nice to have a simple cookie to enjoy with a glass of milk or a cup of tea.  These are also easy to mix and roll. Fill a bowl with granulated sugar, roll 

Treat Tuesday-Apple Cake

I am probably the only one who got excited when the weatherman used the words “Polar Vortex” to describe this week!  I just can’t help it.  After a long, hot summer it is so nice to have the whispers of winter howling outside and I 

Treat Tuesday-Gingerbread 2

It’s November!!  We are headed to the holidays and nothing sets the mood better than fresh Gingerbread wafting through the kitchen!  I have a few favorite Gingerbread recipes and this is my family’s favorite.  It may look kind of boring in the pan, (in fact 

Treat Tuesday-Pumpkin Roll

How to celebrate Halloween week?!  A Pumpkin Roll!  Not just any pumpkin roll, but a wonderfully light cake with delicious cream cheese frosting rolled up inside. The recipe starts with a pumpkin cake filled with cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger that cooks up like a thin