Treat Tuesday-Shortbread Heart Cookies

Valentines!  Don’t you remember getting excited about candy hearts and making your shoebox/mailbox, to take to school in hopes that you would get that one great Valentine?!  Some might find the “holiday” ridiculous but I think it is a great excuse to have fun in 

Treat Tuesday-Cinnamon Coffee Cookies

A-MAZ-ING.  That is the only way to describe these cookies.  You know that wonderful smell when you walk into a bakery?  The fabulous aromas that hit you as soon as you walk in the door and you can’t wait to choose your treat?  These cookies 

Treat Tuesday-Tex-Mex Brownies

Every January the stock show and rodeo comes to town.  In the spirit of cowboys and horses I made Tex-Mex Brownies today!  The title may sound a little odd, but don’t worry, enchilada sauce and queso were not part of the ingredient list. The batter 

Treat Tuesday-Mini Apple Cider Pound Cakes

I just can’t quite let the holidays go.  Don’t get me wrong, the tree is put up, the lights are down, but I still crave that baking smell in my kitchen that reminds me of all the great holiday foods.  I had intended on making