Treat Tuesday-Pumpkin Spice-Chocolate Marble Loaves

Treat Tuesday-Pumpkin Spice-Chocolate Marble Loaves

It’s officially pumpkin time!  I was so ready to jump in the kitchen and starting baking scents of fall and these mini loaves were just the perfect start to my fall baking season. The recipe starts with a basic cake mix that is super light 

What now?

What now?

I know you have been wondering…does she still drink wine, I haven’t seen a “Wine of the Week” post in ages..  (yes, rest assured I am still enjoying crushed grapes!!) My last post was in February.  February?!  What happened?  A senior in high school and 

Treat Tuesday-Apple Bundt Cake

Treat Tuesday-Apple Bundt Cake

This is an easy cake to make for a luncheon or even brunch.  It has a great cinnamon taste with the moist apple cubes, making this cake simple to pair with a cup of tea or a glass of milk. Start with peeled, cubed granny 

Treat Tuesday-Chocolate Velvet Cupcakes

Treat Tuesday-Chocolate Velvet Cupcakes

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Next to Christmas, I think this is the best “holiday” to have fun in the kitchen.  If you are needing a sweet treat today, this is a wonderfully light, fluffy cupcake with a decadent browned butter, cream cheese frosting. Start with melting