Treat Tuesday-Smoky Snack Mix

Thanksgiving is next week and while the Turkey is cooking, you are going to need a few snacks around to keep the crowd happy.  Enter this delicious snack mix.

You can make this a few days in advance and all you have to do is dump all the crackers, cereal, and nuts in a large bowl.  Warning, this recipe calls for Bugles.  Bugles are so fun!  Something about eating a triangle corn chip is addictive.  Yum!!

Next you melt some butter on the stove top and add chile powder and smoked paprika to give the mix a nice kick.  Pour the butter mixture over the snack pieces and gently stir until everything is well coated.

Bake it in the oven, stirring occasionally to make sure all the pieces are well toasted.  Let cool and toss into a festive dish.  You can now cross snacks off your to-do list and move on to desserts!