Wine of the Week-Zuccardi Cabernet Sauvignon

This Cabernet hails from Mendoza, Argentina and it is delicious.  It has a nice fruity flavor, not sweet, not heavy. I paired it with pot roast and mashed potatoes and it was a great combination. Easily drinkable with or without food, giving you a mouthful 

Wine of the Week-Spell Syrah

This was a refreshing, delicious wine from the Russian River Valley.  A 2012 Syrah that would be great with appetizers or pizza for a relaxing Friday night. Spell wine is a great juicy and smooth treat to your palate and is equally enjoyable with food 

Wine of the Week-Substance Cabernet Sauvignon

I had this wine a few weeks ago with friends.  It was one of those rainy Friday nights with a cool breeze blowing on the patio and good conversation abound.  This wine was a real treat! It is a 2013 Cabernet from Washington State and 

Wine of the Week-Sexual Chocolate. Red Wine

Shocking title isn’t it?!  When I was strolling through my local market the other day, this label caught my eye with all the writing on it.  The sign above it said it was called SLOdown Wine.  That is actually who bottles the wine, and the