When it comes to Thanksgiving, planning is the secret to success. A week or so before the big day, sit down with pen and paper and map out a menu. Make sure you include everyone’s favorite dish. Planning also helps you double-check ingredients, preventing extra trips to over-crowded stores!

This section is broken into categories designed to help you enjoy Thanksgiving. Believe me, I have been the stressed-out cook on many a Turkey Day. There was the year I thought I would grill a turkey. (Lesson learned: if you are trying something new with the main course, try it in advance of the big day.) Then there was the Thanksgiving I bought a new roasting pan. (Lesson learned: make sure the roasting pan fits in the oven BEFORE Thanksgiving morning. Secondary tip: there is usually a grocery store open that sells aluminum roasting pans, which will work in a pinch).

Finally, as you cook, take notes. What worked? What didn’t? We tend to make our Thanksgiving recipes only once a year, so it is helpful to write down information to make the next year even easier and more enjoyable for the chef.

Thanksgiving Desserts
Thanksgiving Morning
Thanksgiving Sides
The Turkey

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